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IS IT TRUE that the slaughtered animals feel pain?

IS IT TRUE that the slaughtered animals feel pain?

illustration of Qur'ban Animal

It turned out a surprising answer research shows that animals slaughtered by the Islamic Shari'a does not feel any pain at all.

The research was carried out by two people staff the ranch from Hannover University, a leading university in Germany, namely Professor Wilhelm Schulze and his colleague Dr. Hazim, both led a research team is structured to answer the question:

Which is better and the least pain?

1. Slaughtering is a pure Islamic Shari'a / using a sharp knife (without anesthesia process)?

2. Slaughtering the way west to be made unconscious / hit on the head?

Both are highly sophisticated research design, using cow age group (adult).

On the surface of the cerebellum cows were mounted electrodes (microchip) called Electro Encephalograph (EEG). EEG brain surface mounted touch point (panel) pain, for the record and noting the degree of pain when slaughtered.

The heart of the cows were also mounted Electro Cardiograph (ECG) to record the activity of the heart when the blood out for slaughter.
To suppress the error, the cows were left to adapt to EEG and ECG which has been installed in his body for a few weeks, after the adaptation is considered sufficient then half the cattle slaughtered in accordance pure Islamic Shari'a, and the rest are slaughtered using methods adopted pemingsanan west.

In the Islamic Shari'a slaughtering is done with a sharp knife, by cutting three channels on the neck, namely: the food channel, airway and two blood vessels, the carotid artery and jugular vein

Islamic Shariah does not recommend the method pemingsanan opposite western method precisely teaches even require that animals stunned before slaughter.

From the research prof Schultz and Dr. Hazim at Hannover University Germany can be concluded that:

Slaughter according to Islamic Shari'a / use a sharp knife show:

First: In the first 3 seconds after the livestock slaughtered (and third channels on the front of the cow's neck disconnected) recorded no change in the EEG graph, this means that at the first 3 seconds after the slaughter there was no indication of pain.

Second: the next 3 seconds, the EEG recorded their cerebellum gradual decline graph that is very similar to the incidence of deep sleep (deep sleep), until sapi2 it actually lost consciousness At the time of the recorded ECG also that the heart begins to increase its activity.

Third: After the first 6 seconds of ECG heart record their extraordinary activity of the heart as much as possible to draw blood from the whole body and pumping it out.

This reflects the movement coordination between the heart and spinal cord (spinal cord). At the time of blood out through the three channels that cut off the neck, chart EEG does not rise, but instead drop (down) until the zero level (zero) It is translated by the two experts was that "No Feeling of pain at all!" (No pain at all)

Fourth: As blood pumped by the heart are interested in and out of the body to the maximum, then the resulting "healthy meat".
Tag : Islam

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