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Bank Indonesia Open Recruitment

Latest jobs in september 2016 is derived from one of the banks that are in Indonesia, Bank Indonesia (BI) is the central bank of the Republic of Indonesia which was founded in 1953. BI has a single purpose, namely to achieve and maintain stability in the rupiah. the stability of the rupiah contains two aspects, namely the stability of the currency's value against goods and services, as well as the stability of the currencies of other countries.

Bank Indonesia, Central Bank of the Republic of Indonesia hiring dedication to the country along with Bank Indonesia, let's join Indonesian economic stability. Bank Indonesia opened an opportunity for the nation's best sons and daughters to grab the like in order to maintain economic stability in the country. Join maintain monetary stability, financial system (macroprudential) as well as payment systems and pengekikaan Rupian in Indonesia. Selection of candidates receiving future Chairman of Bank Indonesia.
An opening with the following general requirements:
  • Indonesian citizens;
  • Has completed a period of study education S1 / S2 by attaching a diploma;
  • A minimum GPA (IPK) of 3.00 (4.00 scale);
  • Age (per 8 September 2016)
    • - S1: A maximum of 26 years;
    • - S2: a maximum of 28 years;
  • Ektrakulikuler and active in social or an added value;
  • Education
    • - Economy (economics and development studies / accounting / management / finance / banking / sharia);
    • - Socioeconomic agriculture / agribusiness;
    • - Business administration / business;
    • - International Relations;
    • - Mathematics and mathematical statistics;
    • - Technique;
    • - Information technology / information systems / computer science;
    • - Legal studies;
    • - Communication Studies;
    • - Psychology;

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